The beginning of a new year is probably the best moment for reflection on the year passed and how it has affected our personal and professional lives.

Currently, we are in the midst of an economic crisis, with a general feeling of unease in numerous countries, feeding on individual fears. This pessimistic feeling is like a giant, centralized computer, connected to the individual computer of each person on the planet. Today, the signals emitted by this supermachine are negative: pessimism, misery, lack of resources, etc. One may say that the central PC – the collective mind – is infected by a virus.

This virus affecting the central computer grows stronger with each negative signal received from each of the individual PCs, which means that it keeps emitting negative signals to the individual minds. It´s a vicious cycle, a loop pervaded by pessimism. Luckily, the cycle can be broken. Each positive thought transferred by an individual computer generates interference in the system and attacks the central virus.

The current economic crisis is affecting all areas and levels of society and has triggered numerous ideological, political and social transformations. Even cultural values have changed. In other words, it´s not a time of change, but a change of times. For this reason, we should not allow the crisis to paralyze and mentally affect us.

Now is the ideal time for imagination, innovation and creativity to bloom. In the words of French scientist Luis Pasteur:

“Chance favors only the prepared mind.”

On the other hand, Marketing guru Seth Godin noted that:

“In times of crisis, new opportunities arise, because there is less competition, more talent and a general sense of urgency, which causes change to actually happen.”

The latest technologies have turned into a major ally in overcoming the economic crisis. In fact, the IT market is recovering globally and technological companies may even help other companies and consumers come out of the current economic climate. As such, adopting a more optimistic approach and taking a critical look at technology are key factors when it comes to being able to discern the trends prone to turn into new business opportunities.


  • Luis Pasteur
  • Seth Godin

Mercedes Caparrós
DocPath – Operations Manager